Erin Marie
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MoRe QuOTeS!!

"*A friend likes you for who you are*A best friend likes u for everything u aren't*"
"u can easily forget times with friends but times with best friends are unforgetable."
"~A friend is someone u have good times with a best friend is someone that's in all your best stories~"
"~A friend is someone who asks for a drink at your house. A best friend is someone who will open the fridge and make themselves at home~"
"*~a best friend is like a 4 leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have~*"
"true friends leave foot prints on ur heart and just a friends foot print get washed away!"
"The best thing to do behind a friend's back is pat it"
"If you live to be 100 I want to live 100 minus one day so I never have to live a day without you"
"When you saw only one set of footprints in the sand...that was when i carried you."
"truly great friends are the ppl who are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget"
"...There's the people you've known forever. Who like....know this way. That other people can't. Because they've seen you change. They've let you change."
"a best friend can see you walk in with a smile on your face and still know something's wrong."
"When you're afraid of the past and scared to look ahead, just look beside you and your best friend will be there."
"Smiles and tears and giggles and laughs, Late night calls and cute photographs , I'll be there for you til the day of my death, best friends forever til my very last breath!"
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, but i call them my best friends"
"Friends are like stars, you do not always see them but you know they are always there"
"its not about who u new the longest... its about who never left ur side."
"Friends are like stars they come and go but the ones 
that   stay are the ones that glow."
"There is an END in friendship...but there also is a forever...u just can't see it!"
"life is too short...soo kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truely, and forgive quickly."
~* All I want is for him to say "Yeah she's my girl! *~
"1 Corinthians Love is kind and patient never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. love rejoices in the trust, but not in evil. love is always supportive, loyal, and hopeful, and trusting. love never fails!"
"I love the sun for days, the moon for nights, and you forever."
"Someday... Someday I will fall asleep with you holding me in your arms, dream of our lives together, and wake up to you kissing me on the forehead before you get in the shower for work! Someday."
"At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet."
"I broke up with u one day and fell in love with u the next day....Whats happening is it ment to be or is it because i cant see u with anyone else*"
* There is a land of the living, and a land of the dead, and the bridge is lOvE, the only survival, the ONLY real meaning *
"It's not about keeping your promises, it's about following your heart."
"As you look back upon your life, you find the times when you have most lived, are the times when you have lived for love."
"there's always gonna be that one guy...your heart jumps when you see him, you could talk to him forever, and when you hear his voice you fall in love all over again...but you never want to give up on him!!"
"I have 200 sheets of paper in front of me- and i still dont have enough room to tell you how much i love you."
*-• Sometimes the person you love just doesnt understand how much you love them •-*
"what is love but a meer source of life in which we linger into every corner to find, yet it is right in front of us the whole time we are looking."
"And after all the heartbreaks, and the fights, and the tears, and the anger, true love will be waiting for you at the end.....and it will be worth it."
*~*Love is a strong word, but when u share it with someone, it can't express enough*~*
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with your heart"
*A girl asked a guy if she was pretty, he said no. She asked him if he wanted her, he said no. She asked him if she left would he cry, he said no. She turned to leave, he grabbed her arm and're not pretty; you're beautiful. And I don't want you; I need you. And I wouldn't cry if you left; I would die*
"The hardest thing was watching you hold my bestfriends hand, and not being able to stop it."
"if dreams weren't dreams, and dreams come true, i wouldn't be here i'd be with you, distance is one thing that keeps us apart but you will always remain in my heart!"
"as i lay here in my bed i will never forget the way you hugged me the way you loved me, the things you'll never do again."
"love is knowing that he loves you and you mean as much to him as he means to you and that when he says he loves you he has the twinklin in his eyes to let you know it is true."
*+*I Love You More Today, Then Yesterday But Not As Much As Tommorrow*+*
"I don't know what it is about you: ur smile, ur attitute, or just the way you make me smile when i see you walk towards me... but i just can't stop thinking of you!"
"Love is Not Blind it sees More Not Less, But because it sees More, Its willing to see Less"
"It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, and hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone."
"When you told me you loved me I knew it was true because I can never escape the love I have for you."
~The only remedy for love is to love more~
"*you must be my shooting star, everything I've ever wished for Is everything that you are*"
"I asked God for a flower, he gave me a bouquet I asked God for a minute, he gave me a day I asked God for true love, he gave me that too I asked for an angel and he gave me you."
"LoViN hIm iS tHe BeSt ThInG yEt .. MiSsIn HiM iS sOmEtHiNg iLl NeVeR rEgReT.. LoSiNg HiM wIlL bE hArD tO aCcEpT.. BuT sEeInG hIm WiTh HeR iS tHe MoSt PaInFuL yEt."